Customized Hardware SolutionCustomized Hardware SolutionAccording to customer requirements, we provide various tags for logistics, warehousing, asset management and other application scenarios. And there are various sizes of ceramics, ABS and PCB tags for customers to choose.
Other kinds of tags CUSTOMIZED HARDWARE DEVICECUSTOMIZED HARDWARE DEVICEIntroduction of Typical RFID HardwareIntroduction of Typical RFID HardwareReader products include a series of products such as integrated reader, vehicle reader, four-channel reader, reader antenna of various sizes. It hasrich communication interface and common software interface platform, with the features of strong stability, cost-effective, easy developing, easydeploying and so on. Other product introductionOther product introductionIOT IN INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTUREIOT IN INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTUREIntroduction of Hardware PlatformIntroduction of Hardware PlatformIOTsolution in industrial manufactureprovides integrated solutions for intelligent acquisition and control terminal, intelligent IM-IOT hardware platform and professional application software. Through the transformation and upgrading of traditional sensors and controllers, rapid connection is achieved; through the integration of wireless communications, a professional IOT platform in the industrial field is to be created. Our AdvantagesOur Advantages
Wireless Low Power Stability Compatibility
Unified platform supports firmware remote upgradefor easy product upgrade and maintenance; Low power consumption, compatible with portable and plug-in products; Multi-expansion, easy access to all kinds of new and old equipment and expansion modules; Hardware level is highly compatible and customizable. Private factory-level communication network with characteristics of low cost, self-organizing network and high fault-tolerant rate of network transmission; Public NB-IOT networkwith characteristics of low cost, low power consumption and wide coverage; Modular software interfacewith simple and fast data acquisition, and standardized reading; Seamless data transmission with remote configuration, system diagnosis, and secure access to real-time state and performance data of the machine.